5 Easy Ways To Help Your Local Yoga Studio

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5 Easy Ways To Help Your Local Yoga Studio

Your favorite yoga studio is likely the space you’ve utilized as a place of refuge from the day to day grind. Whether it be for a fast-paced flow class with the intention to destress from work or a community workshop to improve mindfulness, your teachers and studios have been there to brighten your day and support your journey of self-betterment. At this uncertain time that is coronavirus, yoga studios (like many other small businesses) are struggling. Below, we’ve outlined some simple steps you can take to give back to those who have worked so hard everyday to give all they have to you.

  • Buy A Gift Card

    Purchasing a gift card will help your studio to keep some cash coming in. Even a small amount, like $25 or the cost of a class gives their business a much needed boost. Save it to use later, when things return to normal or give it to a friend as a gift for double karma points!

  • Participate In Online Classes

    Many studios are offering discounted rates for their online or live streamed classes. It’s the perfect way to keep yourself moving and help your studio generate some revenue in these uncertain times.

  • Shop Studio “Merch”

    We’re big fans of shopping local — even if it means from your favorite studio's online store. Many studios carry mats, props, t-shirts, candles and other cool knick knacks you never even knew you needed!

  • Don’t Cancel Your Membership

    We repeat DON’T cancel or pause your membership. Unless your studio has opted to pause it for you, we recommend holding out if you have the means to do so. Many studios are already offering online-based class schedules for their members. If your studio hasn’t announced anything yet, reach out and ask if they plan to. A little message of encouragement and support won’t hurt either.

  • Shop Our Affiliate Program

    You can help by shopping yoga gear with our Support Our Studio program. Each Manduka studio has been given a unique code for their students. When you use that code in our online shop, 25% of the sale goes directly to that studio. See below for a list of participating studios & contact your local Manduka studio for their code!

    &Flow Yoga

    180 balance

    3B Yoga

    ABC Health and Fitness

    Abhyaasa Yoga

    Absolute Yoga Studio

    Acadiana Yoga and Wellness

    ahimsa yoga studio

    Akasha Yoga


    Amana Yoga

    Amber Scriven Yoga

    Amrita Yoga & Wellness

    Angela Test

    Arlington Hot Yoga & Wellness, LLC

    Ashtanga Yoga Montclair

    Aspire Yoga Center

    Aya Yoga Oasis

    b.human yoga

    Bala Yoga

    Balance Pilates & Yoga Studio

    Balance Yoga and Wellness

    balanceYoga by amanda


    Barre Social

    Bayou Yoga

    Be Hot Yoga

    Be Luminous Yoga

    Be One Yoga

    Be Yoga

    Be.Yoga In Avon

    Beach Cities Yoga


    BIG Power Yoga

    Bikram Yoga Catonsville

    Bikram Yoga North Texas

    Bikram Yoga Simsbury


    Bird Rock Yoga

    Black Lotus Yoga

    Black Swan Yoga San Antonio

    Bliss Yoga Studios

    Bloom Yoga

    Blossom Yoga

    Blue Moon Yoga

    Bluebird Sky Yoga

    Body Alive Fitness

    Boerne Yoga

    Bozeman Power Yoga

    Breathe Together Yoga (breathetogetheryoga.com)

    Breathe Yoga

    Breathe Yoga and Wellness

    Brick City Yoga

    Bridgetown Physical Therapy

    Brimstone Boulders

    Brown Dog Yoga

    Buddhi Tribe

    Cambio Yoga

    Casa Vinyasa

    CatFit Yoga

    Centered City Yoga

    Central Park Yoga

    Charleston Power Yoga

    Charlotte Yoga

    Chula Vista Yoga Center

    Citizen Yoga

    Coastside Yoga Collective

    Colorado School of Yoga

    Colorado Yoga House, Inc.

    Common Earth Studio

    Coterie Jackson

    Crescent Yoga Studio & Eco-Boutique

    Crossties Yoga

    cynshine yoga pilates & more LLC

    David Studio Worldwide

    Daya Yoga Studio

    Detox Yoga

    Dharma Yoga Syracuse

    Dharmic Spruce

    Divine Power Yoga and Massage

    DOMA Studio


    Duluth Yoga

    East River Pilates Studio, LLC

    Easton Yoga Center

    Ebb and Flow Yoga Studio


    Empower Yoga, LLC

    Energia Yoga Studio

    Energia Yoga Studio


    Expand Yoga

    Explore Yoga Studio

    Firelight Yoga

    Fit Athletic Club

    Fit2Shine Studio


    floo-id YOGA

    Flow Hot Yoga

    Flow Pilates

    Forever Yoga

    Forge Hot Yoga | Hot Pilates

    Four Yoga & Fitness, LLC.

    Fusion Hot Yoga

    Get Hot Yoga

    Glow Yoga

    Glow Yoga

    Go Yoga! Express

    Golden Mandala

    Good Vibes Collective


    grace+GRIT @ The Yoga Shop

    Grassroots Yoga

    Grateful Yoga

    Great Lakes Yoga

    Green Locus Yoga

    Grey Owl Mind-Body Studio

    Harbor Yoga

    harness collective

    Hatteras Yoga

    Haumea: Yoga, Fitness, Massage, Chiropractic

    Haus Yoga Studio

    hauteyoga Queen Anne

    Heat Yoga Studio & Spa



    Hollywood Market Yoga

    Home Yoga Studio

    Homegrown Yoga

    HOMTOWN Yoga

    Hope Yoga

    Hot Asana Yoga Studio

    Hot Asana Yoga Studio

    Hot Yoga Charlottesville

    Hot Yoga Experience

    Hot Yoga Grosse Pointe

    Hot Yoga of Bonney Lake, LLC

    hot yoga pasadena

    Hot Yoga Ventura


    Ignite Power Yoga Studio

    Igoe 2 Yoga

    iLa Yoga

    In Bloom Yoga

    Infinite Warrior Yoga

    innerglow yoga

    Intent Hot Yoga

    Involution Yoga

    Jala Studio: Yoga & Art LLC

    Jess Alenov Fit

    Just Bee YogaJU

    Karma yoga and hot yoga studio

    Karma Yoga San Francisco

    Kingfisher Yoga

    Kiva Hot Yoga

    Kula Yoga

    Kula yoga

    Kula Yoga Studios, LLC

    Lake Tahoe Yoga LTD

    Lakeview Yoga

    Level Yoga

    Live Oak Yoga

    Live Well Studio


    Lotus Root Yoga llc

    Love Integration Yoga

    Love Sugaring

    Luma Yoga & Family Center


    Luna & Soul Yoga Studio

    Luna Sol Yoga

    Maha Yoga

    Main St Wellness Co.

    Malibu Aesthetics

    MamaSpace Yoga


    Medwellspa and Yoga Studio


    Metta Yoga

    Michelle Trabelsi Studio

    Mindful Movement


    Modo Yoga Aurora (Bodhi Yoga Inc.)

    Modo Yoga Austin

    Modo Yoga Brampton

    Modo Yoga Columbus

    Modo Yoga Fredericton

    MODO Yoga Griffintown

    Modo Yoga International (Canada)

    Modo Yoga International (USA)

    Modo Yoga Kelowna

    Modo Yoga LA

    Modo Yoga Las Vegas

    Modo Yoga London Downtown and West

    Modo Yoga Markham

    Modo Yoga Minneapolis


    MODO yoga NDG

    Modo Yoga Orleans

    Modo Yoga San Diego

    Modo yoga thunder bay

    Modo Yoga Vancouver

    Modo Yoga Vaudreuil

    Modo Yoga West Island

    Modo Yoga Windsor and Tecumseh

    Modo Yoga Winnipeg; Modo Yoga Tuxedo

    Monona Yoga Center

    Moore’s Martial Arts & Yoga Dojo

    Move Well DC

    MOVE Yoga

    Moxie Yoga LLC

    Muskegon Yoga Center

    Mystic Monkey Yoga

    Namaste Yoga

    Nandi Yoga

    Nava Yoga Studio

    New Love City

    Nisswa Yoga

    North Adams Yoga

    OH Yoga & Massage

    Ohana Moon Yoga


    One Down Dog

    Orcas Mandala Yoga & Bodywork Studio

    Otium 30A

    P.S YOGA

    Pain to Performance Solutions

    Peaceful Warrior Yoga

    People's Yoga


    PranaYoga Institute

    Prema Yoga

    Princeton Center for Yoga & Health

    Pure Freedom Wellness YYoga

    Pure Home and Body

    Pure Yoga Pilates Studio

    purely hot yoga

    Putney Moves

    Rachel James

    Radiant Wellness

    Razz Yoga

    Rebel Rise Studios

    Red Brick Yoga

    Red Head Yoga LLC

    Red Pearl Yoga

    Refine Barre Studio

    Regenerative Yoga School

    Release Well-Being Center


    Retention Commerce

    Reveille Yoga

    Revolution Community Yoga


    Rise Yoga LLC

    Rise Yoga Ohio

    River Flow Yoga and Wellness

    Riverbed Yoga

    Rooted tribe hot yoga

    Roots & Wings Yoga

    Sacred Yoga + Healing Arts

    Samana Holistic Center

    Sangha Center for Yoga and Wellness

    Santa Monica Yoga

    Santosha Wellness Center

    Savannah Power Yoga

    Seattle Yoga Lounge


    Serenity Yoga

    Shakti Power Yoga Athens

    Shanti Kitti Yoga

    Shanti Yoga Studio

    Shine Hot Pilates + Sculpt

    Shiva Shack

    Shree Yoga

    Simply Wellness, LLC

    SLO Yoga Center

    SoHo Yoga

    SOL Yoga

    Sol Yoga Collective

    Soleil Lune Yoga Center

    Soul Shine Yoga

    Soul Society Yoga

    Soul Story Yoga

    Soul Strong Yoga

    Soul Tree Yoga


    Source Yoga

    SourceCore Studio

    South Street Yoga and Nutrition

    Spark Hot Yoga

    Spark Hot Yoga Studio Marysville

    Studio B | pilates + fitness + yoga

    Studio B.O.S.S., LLC.

    Studio Barre Crown Point

    Studio One Yoga

    Studio Share

    Sumits Yoga Memphis

    Summit To Soul

    Sun Kissed Yoga

    Sunshine Yoga Sheboygan, LLC

    Surya Yoga

    Surya Yoga

    Sweat Yoga

    Sweat Central (previously Bikram yoga scarsdale)


    Sweet Tea Yoga

    Symmetry Yoga

    Tadasana Yoga

    Tasha Yoga

    the BLOC climbing+fitness+yoga

    The Energy Lab

    The Grinning Yogi

    The Hot Room

    The Practice Power Yoga


    The Wholesome Rogue

    The Yoga Barre

    The Yoga Cave

    The Yoga House

    The Yoga Stand, LLC

    The Yoga Studio

    Thriveability Yoga

    Tiny Buddha Yoga

    Toula Yoga Studio, LLC

    Training Yoga Treats


    Tribe Hot Yoga

    Tru Culler Yoga

    TRu Hot Yoga LLC

    True North Yoga

    Tuladhara Yoga Studio

    Twisted Hot Yoga

    Unify Health, LLC.

    Union Yoga

    Upala Yoga & Wellness Arts

    Urban Vybe


    Usha Veda Yoga

    Velvet LB


    Via Vita

    Village Yoga Santa Cruz

    Vista Yoga

    Vive Yoga Studio

    Warmth Studios

    White Horse Yoga

    Wonder Yoga


    Yoga 10

    Yoga Agora

    Yoga Baum

    Yoga Center of Steamboat

    Yoga Centric

    Yoga Collective

    Yoga Culture


    Yoga Health Center

    Yoga House

    Yoga is Therapy

    Yoga Junction

    Yoga Keowee

    Yoga Lab Mammoth

    Yoga Life Studio

    Yoga Loka

    Yoga Madre

    Yoga NW

    Yoga Off Broadway

    Yoga Refuge

    Yoga Sanctuary

    Yoga Soup

    Yoga Vie

    Yoga West Studios

    Yoga with Gloria

    Yoga-Mojo, LLC







    Your Yoga Bozeman

    Zen Yoga Roanoke

    Zuda Yoga


    And let’s not forget, Yoga means to “yoke together” or unite. We’re all in this together at the end of the day. Stay tuned for more ways to support your local studios, ideas to keep you moving and tips to set up your own home practice space.

Did we miss something? Please share other ways to support your local studio with us on social media.



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Sharing good vibes + the best mats, apparel and yoga gear since 1997. Share your yoga story with #PracticeOn.

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