Please take care when shopping online to ensure that you only purchase authentic Manduka products

Avoid buying Manduka products from websites with urls including words like 'country name', 'discount', 'cheap', 'sale', 'store', 'shop', 'yoga', or 'mats' in the domain name, as they may be counterfeit.,, www.manduka-Españ,,, are all examples of fake websites. Be cautious when conducting online searches using these keywords, as the results may lead you to fake websites.

To ensure that you are purchasing authentic Manduka products, please only buy from our official websites:,

When shopping online, it's important to take precautions to avoid scams. Some checks you can include are:

- Looking for clear signs that you are buying from an official company.
- Looking out for spelling errors (for example,
- Checking if the website looks secure.
- Checking if the company has clear privacy and returns policies.
- Doing some detective work, such as calling the company or searching online for reviews or comments from other customers.
- Trusting your common sense. If you have doubts about a website or seller, it's best to avoid making a purchase.

By shopping safely, you can avoid the risks of:

- Receiving inferior unauthorized goods.
- Paying for items you may never receive.
- Receiving items that do not match your choice or description.
- Fraudulent use of your credit details.
- Identity theft.

If you suspect that you have purchased counterfeit Manduka products or have been on a fake Manduka Store, you can take the following steps:

- Contact the seller without delay for a refund.
- If you paid by credit card, you may be able to cancel the charge as fraudulent website.
- Report the fraudulent website to Google.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Manduka Customer Service via our chat or message directly to