From Us, To You

From Us, To You

As we take a look around and internalize our present, it’s apparent—the world is in need of yoga. Today, there’s an expectation to move faster and faster—work harder. But with that new reality comes an even greater need to slow down and reconnect—to find what gives us peace.

Our world is rapidly evolving. Old paradigms fall wayside to new ways of living, socializing, and communicating all of which are grounded in technology. As a result, we’re constantly searching for a meaningful connection to ourselves and our planet. And when we can’t find that connection, our desire for ease becomes masked by fear. We are a planet looking for alignment and we are a community seeking to connect.

Over the last few years, Manduka has observed this global transformation and has been working to realign with what it means to be truly connected—in total rhythm with the planet.

We’ve interviewed teachers from around the world and explored their new realities. We’ve visited yoga studios both in-person and virtually to join the global yogic community in redefining what it is to practice on after a pandemic. And we’ve also looked within to see how we can serve our community and make a difference - become better. In 2023, we’re making a conscious decision to return to our sole mission of Inspiring the Practice and wholly understanding what yoga means to

As for our products, we’ve turned our focus on Earth, our sacred home with its deeply communicative and all-knowing signs, for answers. The feeling of grounding we experience when we step onto our PRO mat is the same feeling we experience when we ground to our planet. The frequencies of Earth’s crystalline structures are forms we can draw inspiration from. The gemstones formed in the earth’s surface are our masters of attunement. We respect the resonating fields of our planet and their connection to humanity.

This season, our product collection is an intentional homage to the jeweled tones found within the earth and its formations. This powerful, vibrant, and colorful inspiration runs deep within our collection, represented in custom handcrafted art and tonalities that inspire the practice.

We invite you to join us in re-grounding for our future and connecting with the resounding power that lies deep within us all—it’s time to Unearth the Vibrations.



Sharing good vibes + the best mats, apparel and yoga gear since 1997.

Sharing good vibes + the best mats, apparel and yoga gear since 1997. Share your yoga story with #PracticeOn.

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