Uncovering Yoga Blocks: Choosing Which One is Best for You

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Uncovering Yoga Blocks: Choosing Which One is Best for You

With all the different types of yoga blocks out there, how do you know which one to choose and why?

As we know, Yoga blocks are essentially aiding devices that you can use to create space as well as deepen stretches and get into poses. Blocks can help you find proper alignment and they can be used as extra support during poses or meditation, but what's the difference?

Yoga Blocks

Cork Yoga Blocks

  • Extremely durable, do not get nicked or loose shape easily
  • Feels solid and trustworthy, they do not have much give (more than wood, but less than foam) protecting weight and wrists
  • Heavy - 2.2 lbs
  • Porous material, so it absorbs sweat and humidity

Cork Blocks

Foam Yoga Blocks

  • Softest, lightest and cheapest of block types - 0.8 lbs
  • Has a lot of give, good for restorative practices - laying your back down on (heart opener), not good for your hands/wrists when placing body weight on (plank)
  • EVA recycled foam material, not as long-lasting and get dirty more easily

Foam Yoga Blocks

unBLOK Foam Yoga Blocks

  • Curved side to offer even more support for your back
  • The curvature makes it easy to forget that you’re being held by a prop, mainly because nothing is poking you in the back
  • Ergonomic design supports your wrists as you lean into practically any pose
  • Same EVA recycled foam material as traditional foam blocks, soft and light

unBlok Yoga Block

Mini Foam Yoga Blocks

  • Smaller in size, but has the same comfort, style and support as the larger version
  • Perfect for traveling and storing in small spaces
  • Easy to grip and keep wrist straight when holding plank pose

mini foam yoga blocks

Getting the Block to Work for You:

As you grow with your yoga practice, your body will get more flexible. A yoga block is a great way to add length to your body, create space, get into poses, keeping the right alignment, and for restorative sessions.

When to Use a Cork Block

  • Standing forward fold: stand on cork block first, then forward fold
  • Triangle & revolving triangle: place the block beneath hand to create space between the floor and hand
  • Getting into crow pose: stand on block and bring big toes to touch, with space between heels, bring palms to ground and bend knees towards back of arms
  • Practice splits: placed block or two under pelvis
  • Half moon: bringing block between hand and floor
  • Fostering muscle engagement: move to cork block when feeling strong enough to move from lighter foam block

How to use yoga blocks

When to Use a Foam Block

  • Seated forward fold: bring block up against soles of feet and reach for extra length
  • Fostering muscle engagement: bring block in between thighs to engage for poses such as downward facing dog, upward facing dog, mountain and chair pose
  • Pigeon: bring block under butt
  • Restorative sessions for savasana and meditiation
  • Waterfall: bring block underneath lower back
  • Meditation: making sits bone more comfortable

how to use foam yoga blocks



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