Slow Flow with Carla

  • Instructor: Carla Vido
  • Duration: 00:27:00
  • Class Type: Flow

Find a comfy, quiet place to practice with Carla Vido as she leads you through a slow, peaceful flow by the ocean. This restorative practice focuses on diving inwards, slowing down, and seeing what you find. Get ready for peak poses of Eagle (Garudasana) and Dancer’s Pose (Natarajasana). All that is required is a yoga mat.

Practice on…

Carla Vido is a certified trauma-informed yoga teacher, Yoga Alliance Educator Provider, and yoga facilitator.

Carla is practicing on our PROlite® Yoga Mat in Yes Please

She is wearing our Dhara Tank and Leggings in Avian Heather

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