project:OM: Creating a better world, One More mat at a time

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project:OM: Creating a better world, One More mat at a time

project:OM: Creating a better world, One More mat at a time

In yoga (and life), it's generally understood that you cannot give to others until you first give to yourself. As many of us here at Manduka believe, yoga is one of the most impactful ways to honor oneself.

Our mission inevitably becomes to focus on sharing this gift, by inviting one more friend, one more colleague, one more customer and putting one more mat on the floor. By sharing this inclusive practice, we can inspire more yoga in the world and expand the conversation about how yoga can make an incredible difference in our own lives - and on a larger scale, for the wellbeing of the entire world.

Last year's project:O(ne)M(illion) event kicked into motion the mission-driven arm of the Manduka brand. Working closely with Susan G. Komen, we learned that our yoga community craves this type of participation and interaction, aimed at making real positive change happen for a greater good.

In 2018, project:O(ne)M(ore) will include more people and more yoga mats. Manduka and Susan G. Komen share a common belief that women and men, old and young, all deserve access to a healthy lifestyle. The two companies have come together again to not only spread that message, but to invite everyone (and their “one more”) to take the first step in actively pursuing a healthy lifestyle by reaping the benefits of practicing yoga – in and out of class – for years to come.

For this upcoming summer, we're looking forward to a new set of David Allen-designed products, local yoga studio events throughout our 3000+ studio network and an experiential LA-based marquee event (more details to come!)

Thank you for your help in furthering the conversation around yoga, its personal benefits and its potential for making the world a better place. Through project:OM, we believe it's our responsibility to amplify this ethos and move the needle towards a healthier future.

Practice On.




Sharing good vibes + the best mats, apparel and yoga gear since 1997.

Sharing good vibes + the best mats, apparel and yoga gear since 1997. Share your yoga story with #PracticeOn.

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