Chair Yoga: The Work From Home Solution

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Chair Yoga: The Work From Home Solution

During this unique time in history, our community is mostly online. Whether you are a parent navigating online school for your kiddos, an executive attending Zoom conferences, or trying to balance both of these worlds, we are spending a lot of time sitting. It’s important that we allow our bodies to move in different directions and shapes throughout the day, and taking a 10 minute break from work to exercise, is sometimes all of the time that we have. Now more than ever, with so many of us sheltering at home, it is important to get creative with our exercise routine, including our yoga practice. Check below for some of our favorite chair yoga poses that keep us active during the day.

For those of us who spend several hours a day seated, it is common for the hip flexors to be tight, the shoulders tend to slump forward, and the core gets, well, sleepy. The good news is that your chair can also act as a form of functional training equipment to help with strength and flexibility. Think of the chair as a prop for chair yoga. While you are working or helping children with online learning, try using an external signal to remind you to sit up straight. For example, every time the phone rings, or every time you hear the words “high level” on a video conference, use that as an opportunity to engage your core and sit up tall with regal posture.

Our posture affects our mood, and there have been several studies on “power posing,” and how creating certain shapes with our bodies can help us to feel more confident and strong. With so much challenging news coming into our homes recently, it can be really helpful to make sure that we feel strong from the inside out. By maintaining physical strength and flexibility with chair yoga, that can inspire mental and emotional strength and flexibility as well.

For those of us that are tied to the chair and computer most of the day, try a chair yoga practice in your chair. These kinds of routines might remind you of a physical therapy or rehab workout, and if you have been through PT for an injury, you know that these types of programs can be a bit deceptive in that they look SO easy. There is definitely an ease in the instruction of the movement (we don’t have to put a lot of compound movement together), but that does not mean that it is not beneficial. This type of movement helps to create a strong foundation for any exercise program. So allow yourself a few minutes each day to keep your body/mind strong, active, and alert. It can help with:

  • productivity

  • mental acuity

  • spine health

  • core strength

  • posture

  • flexibility

  • mobility

  • stress release

Here’s A Quick 7-Minute Chair Yoga Routine

Remember to take care of yourself during these challenging times. We are all in this together and can share our strength with one another.

Written by: Manduka Global Ambassador Desi Bartlett MS CPT E-RYT



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